Starbench Performance Report
Our Starbench report contains a comprehensive set of performance metrics, including benchmarking data in comparison with a commercial RDF graph database.
Using a range of widely accepted performance test datasets and protocols, such as BSBM, LUBM, LSQB, YAGO, and Wikidata, we demonstrate Stardog’s efficiency in loading and querying data. The benchmarks cover transactional queries (read and update) over local and virtualized graphs, reasoning queries, path queries, and bulk loading, and they measure the impact of concurrent users on the overall system, including Stardog’s High Availability cluster.
We present the detailed results for each benchmark, along with the configuration details and parameters we used. In this report, you’ll learn how Stardog can:
Load billions of triples at speeds of 1 million triples per second on commodity hardware | |
Return query results notably faster than a commercial RDF graph database | |
Further improve query latency in a multi-node cluster environment |