Stardog Academy Training FAQ:

Database Administration


Screen Shot 2020-06-17 at 11.42.02 AM What are the memory and disk requirements/guidelines for running Stardog?
Stardog uses both JVM memory (heap memory) and also the operating system memory outside the JVM (direct or native memory). Out of the box, Stardog sets the maximum JVM memory to 2GB and direct memory to 1GB which works fine for most small databases (less than 100 million triples) but should be increased as recommended here for larger datasets.
See the Administrating Stardog 101 for more complete guidelines to follow when provisioning your Stardog server. Allocating disk and memory are covered in more detail.
Screen Shot 2020-06-17 at 11.42.02 AM Where does Stardog log to? Am I able to change the format of logging to the stardog.log? How can I do this?
Stardog’s server log is stardog.log which can be found inside your $STARDOG_HOME directory. The stardog.log can be configured via log4j2. A default log4j2.xml can be found in the <stardog-installation-directory>/server/dbms directory. You can copy this file to your $STARDOG_HOME directory to make any modifications you’d like (e.g. log rotation). To find out more about Access, Audit and Slow Query logging, see Stardog Docs.
Screen Shot 2020-06-17 at 11.42.02 AM How can I view the contents of the audit.log/access.log ? Is there a Stardog utility to just this?
The stardog-admin log print command prints the contents of an access or audit log. See the stardog-admin log print CLI Reference here.
Screen Shot 2020-06-17 at 11.42.02 AM What’s the difference between a logical backup, database backup, and server backup?
  • A logical backup saves the contents of a database into a standard RDF file. Click here for details on logical backups.
  • A database backup saves the contents of a database along with its metadata including user and role permissions. Click here for details on database backups.
  • A server backup will back up the entire Stardog server, all databases, and associated metadata. Unlike database backups, which take a full backup of the database every time it is run, server backup takes an incremental backup of the data. Click here for server backup details.

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